Catholics Attacked By HHS

2-18-2012 HHS Update on Critical Issues

2-16-2012 Obama and Sebelius Sittin’ in a Tree…by Mary Kochan

2-15-0012 Birth Control, Bishops and Religious Authority By GARY GUTTING February 15, 2012

2-15-2012 Motown Mitt in the New York Times

2-13-2012 NARAL Pro-Choice America Airing Radio Ads in Colorado, Florida, Northern Virginia, and Wisconsin

2-12-2012 Catholic Bishops Oppose Compromise on Birth-Control Insurance in the Wall Street Journal by Louise Radnofsky

2-9-2012 The Gospel according to Obama by Charles Kraluthammer in the Washington Post

2-8-2012 153 US Bishops have protested Pres. Obama’s blatant attack on Catholics

2-8-2012 ObamaCare’s Great Awakening

2-7-2012 Obama runs roughshod over religious freedom By Kathleen Parker on The Washington Post Opinions

2-6-2012 Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments

2-4-2012 LA Times Video Catholics Counter Attack

2-3-2012 White House Misrepresents Its Own Contraceptive Mandate on US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Site

2-3-2012 Romney Blasts Obama’s HHS Reg as Attack on Catholics and Religious Liberty

2-2-2012 Memo To the Catholic Bishops by Hugh Hewitt at

2-2-2012  Planned Parenthood TV Ads Defend Obama’s Attack on Catholics

2-2-2012 Planned Parenthood TV Ads Defend Obama’s Attack on Catholics On

1-31-2012 Patrick J. Buchanan Writes That Obama Sandbags the Archbishop

1-31-2012 Affordable Care Act ruling an attack on Catholics

1-27-2012 Bishop Calls Health Care Law ‘Attack’ on Catholics By WEEK Producer

1-26-2012 Health-care ruling an attack on Catholics

1-23-2012 Direct attack on Catholics