Why Does Contraception And Abortion Promote Women As Sexual Objects


What is your view of humanity? Do you believe humans are the result of millions of years of evolution, where living cells developed from inorganic materials by chance?

If we are created in the image and likeness of God, then there is hope that we can help people embrace and develop their souls and abilities to make wise choices.

In God’s eyes, women and their bodies are sacred. Sex is a sacrament between God, the mother and father.
Most men have never been taught about true love. They don’t believe women have inherent value other than as sexual objects and mothers to their children.
The male dominated media promotes this idea by showing women in sexually explicit clothing. When was the last time you saw a male model in a skimpy outfit promoting any thing other than underwear?
If you believe we are animals, a product of evolution and the unintelligent design of the universe, then you are correct. Castration, vasectomies, tubes tied, sterilization, abortion and birth control are the best choices for societies without God.
Marriage and sex are not sacred. Sex is just a selfish act for instant gratification of animalistic urges to procreate.
Most men think that they show their love by providing material support, protection and sex. But, in a depraved society, where women’s bodies are sexualized in the media, men are given a pass on morality and responsibility.
Sexual exploiters of women are emulated and glorified in movies and TV shows. Fathers are presented as bumbling, sex-crazed idiots in most TV shows about families.
Boys believe virginity is a curse, a symbol of weakness. They are taught to exploit women from an early age through pornography that can be accessed on any smartphone, tablet or computer.
Sadly the media promotes the idea that humans are just out of control animals. They are motivated to breed like rabbits and to consume all available resources.
They unwittingly kill themselves with alcohol, drugs and unhealthy lifestyles. The planet self-destructs because of their out of control fornication that results in over-population. Their biological and industrial waste poison the earth just like evil, deadly bacteria pollute a closed petri dish.
Ultimately, all forms of sterilization and birth control make women potential sexual victims of men. They are forced to give men sex in exchange for material support, protection and a “quid pro quo” immature form of love.
Most men will never respect women as long as they are forced or choose to provide sexual favors for anything other than true, sacramental love.