Sunday March 20, Palm Sunday: Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.

Gospel Luke 19:28-40

Jesus proceeded on his journey up to Jerusalem.  As he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany at the place called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples.  He said, “Go into the village opposite you, and as you enter it you will find a colt tethered on which no one has ever sat.  Untie it and bring it here.  And if anyone should ask you,
‘Why are you untying it?’ you will answer, ‘The Master has need of it.’”  So those who had been sent went off and found everything  just as he had told them.  And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying this colt?”  They answered, “The Master has need of it.”  So they brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks over the colt, and helped Jesus to mount.  As he rode along, the people were spreading their cloaks on the road; and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud with joy for all the mighty deeds they had seen.  They proclaimed: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.”  Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”  He said in reply, “I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!” **( Note Below)**

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

560  Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem manifested the coming of the kingdom that the King–Messiah was going to accomplish by the Passover of his Death and Resurrection. It is with the celebration of that entry on Palm Sunday that the Church’s liturgy solemnly opens Holy Week.

From “Great Crusade of Love” Testimony of Catalina Rivas (CL-132:1-2)

1) I shall come full of Light, surrounded by love, and crowned by a myriad of festive Angels. “Blessed be the One who comes in the name of the Lord,” will be repeated as the crowning of the greeting that on Palm Sunday received My Person, who in a humble way was on the way to martyrdom on the Cross. 

2) At the time it was a sentiment of the people; a sentiment, therefore not controlled, and in its naturalness and spontaneity, pleased Me a lot. On the other hand, the greeting of the redeemed souls assembled for the Final Judgment will be given with complete knowledge and total love. They will tell Me, “Come, blessed One of the Father. Come in order to judge us all, because the glory reserved for You is a true joy – glory reserved because of the highest power You received of being able to judge everyone.”

**( In Chapter 4 of “Reason To Believe” by Ron Tesoriero, on page 50, there is a reference to this passage in explaining the bleeding statue of Jesus.  If you haven’t read this book yet, get the book, read it and spread the word.)**

Each week we will be presenting a portion of the following Sunday’s readings, and linking it to relevant parts of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and messages from the Testimony of Catalina.  Pay special attention to the italicized underlined sections. This week we learn of the significance of Jesus’ baptism by John. We hope this is inspiring and educational. Any comments you have are certainly welcomed.


Tim Francis prepared this educational program to help you increase your faith and love for the Holy Trinity and our Blessed Mother. His website is

I have known Tim for many years and recommend his work highly. He is a strong advocate for the “The Real Body and Blood Of Jesus” and the numerous miracles that occur on a daily basis. Both of us are greatly inspired by the amazing writings of Catalina Rivas.

Catalina is one of the few individuals in history who personally experienced the “Stigmata Of Jesus Christ.” The video below was broadcast on FOX TV.

Through Catalina’s writings, Jesus and our Blessed Mother provide an insightful commentary about the Holy Scriptures, the Magisterium and oral tradition. You can learn more about Catalina Rivas at her website. Download all her books for FREE: Catalina Rivas Website
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