Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 28


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For ChristThe good news is that even the most sinful priest or bishop still has the ability, through the power of God, to transform the bread and wine into the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. God always honors the mystery of transubstantiation at Mass, no matter what priest presides over the miraculous event, despite his sinfulness.”

this means you are performing acts of cannibalism and vampirism and that is just sick. its sick and wrong. its not miraculous at all. if anything, it is satanic, and you have not heeded the warning that satan is very clever and can deceive you. have you considered this possibility? we just dont eat each other. a real god would know this and do something different.

Catholic Brothers For Christ response to 25EllisDee25That is your own perspective based on your subjective point of view. It is equally as valid as mine which is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church in the New Testament, Magesterium, Catechism and oral tradition.

Most of the believers during the time of Jesus rejected His teaching on Transubstantiation. Yet, He chose to emphasize the receiving the Holy Eucharist as the spiritual foundation of His Church and the source of spiritual life.

He is God and was speaking about a spiritual transformation of the bread and wine in to His spiritual Body and Blood. Receiving the Holy Eucharist strengthens our spiritual bodies, souls and spirits. It uplifts our hearts, minds and intellects.

The best example is what happens to a host when it is radiated. If a person consumes the host, they die of radiation poison.

Spiritual transformation is similar. When we consume the host, we enhance our spiritual life and strengthen our union with the Holy Trinity.

There are actual miracles where the host transformed in the heart muscle tissue and wine into blood that was proven by scientific tests. If you are interested, you can learn more at this website sciencetestfaith or you can watch the youtube video: