Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 26


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christi am generally honest, unless trying to protect someone or something and deception must be used to achieve that, but unlike many people, i don’t lie for no reason, or for entertainment, or to just mess with people, or out of habit. i hate the fact that other people habitually lie so much it becomes second nature to them. i find it especially annoying when they lie and its obvious. as to the peter pan reference, i used it because i assumed you believe he does not exist except as a story or fairy tale. naturally something that does not exist cannot commit crimes or anything else against you. this is why i do not hate god.  i do not remember ever telling you that i am god and created the universe. either i am forgetful (and delusional) (or telling a lie) or you are.
i have had those indescribable experiences that you have probably had as well, that i believe was due to the chemistry in my brain, and you may believe was being touched by the holy spirit. upon taking control of this experience and trying to analyze it real time as best i could it kind of felt for a while that i was god, but looking back, i do not believe i could have really created a universe, let alone performed the smallest bit of magic. it was an experience, but it was not supernatural. i believe that many others believe it is supernatural because it cannot be compared to any other experiences they have had in the real world.

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25Lying is a sickness in our world that affects every person. Unfortunately, many politicians and spiritual leaders tell the same lies so often they begin to believe them and so do their followers.

I am happy you do not hate God. If he actually exists and is all powerful, that might not be the best pathway to happiness or peace.

I may have misunderstood your comment, “I am not angry at god, or God, or anyone who created the universe, and thus, me. its not possible. ” It seemed you were including yourself as the creator of the universe. Was I wrong?

I can relate. When I was high from smoking the most powerful pot back in the late 70s all day, every day, I thought I was perhaps Jesus Christ or God.

Of course that was a THC fueled psychotic delusion. As an atheist, I had decided there was no proof God existed, so I realized with my choice, I truly was god in my own fabricated universe. After all, I decided what was right and wrong, judged everyone else according to my own laws, found many guilty as charged and dished out appropriate punishments.

After accepting Jesus as my personal Savior, I invested a lot of time asking those I offended for their forgiveness and making reparations for my previous actions. It was a very humbling experience but worth the effort.