CatholicPrayerWarriors Defend Our Faith: Church Duty


Catholic Prayer Warriors:  The duty of the Church is to take care of the Body of Christ. Everyone needs food, clothing, shelter, education and the opportunity to work. Welfare that does not include the basics of life and training to be productive through work that is both rewarding and fulfilling is a travesty.

“For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. ” 2 Thessalonians 3:10

Democracies eventually end in totalitarianism, communism and socialism. The poor, oppressed masses often kill or imprison the rich and social, military or political elites. They confiscate their wealth and possessions for themselves or their causes.

Social injustice often ends in revolutions where everyone suffers.

Duty of the Church

This post is a defense of our historical Catholic faith by . The initial discussion was about the persecution of the Catholic Church by the Obama Administration through the HHS Mandate in 2012.

It  evolved into a spirited debate between a liberal Catholic and a Catholic Prayer Warrior who believes in the sanctity of marriage, human life and the historical teachings of  the Church in the Magesterium, Catholic Bible and oral traditions.  

Click Here to hear the Homily by Father Sammie Maletta, delivered at St. John the Evangelist Parish in St. John, Indiana in 2012. This Homily addressed how President Obama is threatening our Religious Freedom and declaring war with the Catholic Church. Please take a few moments to listen. No one sums it up quite like Father Malettaseem.