Political Correctness Is Insanity In A World Threatened By Terrorists


Political correctness is the ultimate example of insanity because you have to assume there is no right and wrong. It is sheer madness to believe that every person has the right to do whatever they want without any constraint or criticism.

It is a natural consequence of relativism. Every person is a god in their own universe.

They can do anything they want without being judged because everyone is equal. When there are no absolute laws, then anything goes. No one has the right to judge another person.

In a politically correct universe, the “Golden Rule” is the absolute law. Whoever owns the gold has the most power. They make and enforce the rules. They use physical force, social shaming, character assassination and whatever means are available to keep the subjects in line with their prevailing philosophy.

Advocates of political correctness  wear their hearts on their sleeves. It is easy for anyone to offend them.

In fact they choose to be offended. It is their choice to be controlled by another’s words and actions or by inanimate objects.

Political correctness contributed to the terrorist attack because people were afraid of social criticism by the politically correct gestapo. True tough love is willing to be hated and abused to save the lives and souls of others.

There is major outrage over the deaths caused by terrorists. What about the thousands of deaths of innocent babies every day by the abortion industry? Where is the social outrage? Are deaths caused by terrorists more horrific than those of innocent babies?