Pray For The Repentance Of The Planned Parenthood Shooter And All Involved In The Abortion Industry

Catholic Prayer Warrior

The Planned Parenthood shooter is not pro-life” article is worth reading.

All forms of murder should end. Killing innocent babies in the womb is one of the most barbaric acts in our society.

How can anyone justify the slaughter of millions of babies in the womb by Planned Parenthood?

Abortion, terrorist attacks and just plain crazed individuals who kill others are destroying our world.

Crazy people see the dichotomy that exists in a society that condones killing innocent babies in the womb. In their twisted minds, they decide to kill others they consider inconvenient or unworthy of life. Moral and social laws cannot stop their reactions to the actions of others.

In a society where the murdering of babies is justified, all citizens are at risk of being judged as expendable. All it takes is a majority of citizens or Supreme Court Justices to provide the political cover to murder others.

May God have mercy on our nation for all of the heinous crimes committed against those who are deemed unworthy to live.