Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 13


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christ” You seem to hate those who do not agree with you life perspective.” not true at all. i dont hate you, and you do not seem to be in agreement with my perspective. did i say anything to make you think i hate you? i apologize if i did. you seem like a decent guy. i dont even dislike you. i really dislike people who hurt children, because that takes someone really fucking evil to destroy the innocence and trust of a child. especially despicable are the molesters. i think maybe i do hate them, because i have dealt with the trauma they leave behind. i was fortunate, and only got molested by a couple of girls who were maybe 10-12 years old when i was prolly 5 or 6, and they didnt hurt me, they were just curious as to what i had under my pants, which although uncomfortable and embarrassing at the time, was neither traumatic nor scarring, so i am not on a personal quest to deal with inner demons here, but i have had no less than a dozen people break down while talking to me and tell me what happened. i guess people feel they can trust me or something, or i ask the sorts of questions other people would never dare ask, or something. i have no training in psych or therapy or counseling whatsoever, not a single class. but i have a tendency to not walk the path everyone else does. i go where noone has gone before, physically, and otherwise. especially otherwise. thats what prepared me for the holy cow when it showed up…otherwise, i think..i maybe would have been so overwhelmed by sheer astonishment that i would have been fooled into swallowing that faith ticket, hook, line and sinker just like the status quo…but its not real…well thats not the best explanation. its real, but it is not an external force, or consciousness… it has nothing to do with any personality who created you or me or the earth or the universe…i think its…well that is too heavy to get into right now and i really dont know what the hell i am talking about anyway, but yeah, it is what it is, not what it appears to be. thats all you need to know, and the next time you find you and the holy cow are chillin, try to remember what i said, and instead of acting like a teenage girl who just got onto an elevator and noticed that guy next to her was john lennon, try to instead be a writer for rolling stone magazine and ask the guy some deeply personal questions. but before you do that, ask yourself what are your options should you discover you are a card carrying atheist when the elevator door opens.

while it may not be possible to prove there is no god, it IS possible to prove that what YOU BELIEVE to be god, is absolutely positively not a god.

“There is no irrefutable evidence because there are no absolutes in your atheistic universe except one: “There is no God.”

wrong. look, to learn the basic concepts of most religions takes quite a bit of work. many books to read, etc. but atheism is EXTREMELY EASY, so why does every religious person keep screwing it up so badly? do you do it to be cute? to be funny? or do you seriously believe that all atheists hate god? worship satan? kill ourselves because we are so lost and miserable with big gaping holes in our hearts unfilled by god’s love, therefore we seek to spread misery everywhere we go, to bring you happy and content christians down into our cesspool of self-inflicted pain because we are just so incredibly stupid as to decide to pass on the greatest deal in the universe because we just cant stand joy or ecstasy, and hate being happy?

hi satan, sign me up, im an athiest, here let me chop off my finger so i can sign a contract in blood OUCH damn that hurt, what? a verbal will do? well can you stick my finger back on then? only JESUS can do that? but wait, i hate that guy! can you ask him for me?

ok enough of that nonsense, i am starting to get a bit wacky for lack of sleep im afraid. but seriously, atheism is easy. its just like it says on the missouri license plates. show me. what? you cannot prove there is a god? we dont HAVE to prove there is no god for the same reason I do not need to prove there are no unicorns, or dragons, or tooth fairy. as long as you live, dont ever let me hear you ask anyone to prove that god does not exist. THAT IS THE DEFAULT. nothing exists, unless proven otherwise. that makes perfect logical sense. you can see that i hope. so we start wioth nothing. and when something exists, we can prove it. and so it goes. so how did your god get in there? there is no proof!! and dont even try to claim that there is proof, cos there isn’t. if there was proof, everyone would believe, and we would not be discussing this right now. if there was proof, NOBODY WOULD NEED FAITH!
the whole concept of faith rides on the 1 fact we can all agree on.. there is no evidence that god exists. i know, the universe, the complexity of life, and all that poetic crap. it does not prove the existence of god! no, it does not! nor does the bible. so, atheists just accept this.

we do NOT believe there is NO GOD. as you just stated.

we do believe that there is NO EVIDENCE to support your (FALSE) belief that there IS A GOD. i think its safe to say as soon as some evidence turns up proving god’s existence, that most if not all atheists will happily go to church every sunday. i am not closed minded, but i believe you are.

in fact, i really wish you were right! cos i don’t much like the idea of the finality of death any more than you do. i would rather learn the unfathomable secrets of beyond the universe after i die. i would like to go chill with my friends in the great big disneyland in the sky. hell, i would be happy rattling chains in the basement scaring the crap our of the living more than being worm food. I WANT YOU TO BE RIGHT. but, sadly, i do not think you are. goodnight.

“It takes more faith to believe there is no God, since you have nothing to back up your belief other than your own perspective. ” oh, come on. really?

see above. atheism is the absence of faith, not faith in there being no god.
never use this argument again. please. its really lame. goodnight for real.

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25Hope you had a great nights sleep. I am thankful God gave us all free will, even the angels, satan and his fallen angels. Ultimately, it is each person’s choice.

As you say, atheism requires no study or research. It is the default position for those who want to be their own gods and create their own lives according to their own laws. Thankfully, there is freedom of choice in the US and other countries founded on Christian principles.

Unfortunately, many other religions will execute you if you violate any of their cherished laws.

Atheism is a religion because believers adhere to the assumption that there is no God. Since that cannot be proven, it takes faith to believe it. Atheism is its own dogma. It would be refreshing if atheists admitted atheism is a religion.

Definition of religion from Wikipedia: A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that aim to explain the meaning of life, the origin of life, or the Universe.