Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 12


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christ: “In fact, there is not much difference between atheists and Christians who do not know or live their faith. Each group decides what is right and wrong for themselves. ” you know what other group does that? christians who live their faith. in fact, all humans do that, with a few exceptions like damaged brains. of course we are all guided by common rules decided by superiors (parents, rules at work or school) or generally agreed
upon among ourselves and communities, like civil and criminal codes. common courtesy, etc. but the basic moral codes we need to survive and live as a communal species of animal, like do not kill, and treat others as you would have them treat you, ie, dont steal your stuff, hurt your kids, invade your space. you think that comes from the bible? no, the only rules that come from the bible are the sabbath day, and the jealousy rules. even hungry piranhas do not kill each other. evolution shows such creatures the door to extinction.

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25The Bible is filled with laws that help us have a good relationship with God, our families, friends, neighbors and strangers. Some might disagree, but he laws of this country are based on biblical principles. (That is an exhaustive discussion in it self.)

Believers and unbelievers all battle pride and selfishness. Each of us want our own way when we want it. We are all sinners. The holiest person can, in a moment, become the most vile sinner.

Even the greatest saints considered themselves the worst of sinners. Continual prayer, Holy Communion, Eucharist Adoration and Reconciliation are the most powerful resources available that help us maintain a state of personal holiness.

The question is, “Who is the final arbiter of the laws people follow?” In most cases it is those who follow the Golden Rule…”Whoever has the gold makes the rules.” You know that is true. It is the rich and powerful who make and enforce the laws in every country and institution, depending on their personal perspective.

In societies where man is god, the most powerful group dominates. Every democracy ends up with the 51% oppressing the 49%, resulting in totalitarianism, socialism, communism, relativism, liberalism, etc.

Societies that follow the laws of God are the only places where women, babies in the womb, children and the elderly are cherished. God blesses those civilizations and countries.

When they violate His laws, most disintegrate because of the inborn consequences of their actions. Women, babies and children, in most non-Christian cultures, are little more than slaves or property, to be used and abused at the whim of the men. Wars, abortion and euthanasia deplete the populations so much they eventually become extinct.

I fact, as an atheist, you really have no right to judge any other race or religion. They are just doing what they feel is right…just like you. Jihadists have as much right to rape, kill, maim and behead others that do not agree with their philosophy. When there are no absolute laws that apply to all humans, then anything is justified. It goes back to the “Golden Rule.”

Jihadists who live and die for their faith are a huge problem for the rest of the world. Without the intervention of God and his promise to protect His Church, they would eventually triumph because they are willing to die for what they believe. The promises of a martyr’s death are pretty appealing for men in particular.

For those of us who say we have faith, whatever that may be, are we willing to die for what we believe? The biggest question is, “Are we willing to live for what we believe and die as a martyr if we have only one choice…convert or die?”

As an atheist, with the concept of no God and no afterlife, there is every reason to choose any faith or no faith that gives us the greatest benefits. If I was still an atheist and a jihad soldier said, “Convert to Islam or die.” of course I would convert. I would be desperate to live as long as humanly possible because there is no after life and no negative consequences for the life decisions I made.