Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 25


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christ“Please let me know if these answers did not specifically address your questions.”

If you genuinely are interested in addressing my questions, then please address individually each one i ask preceding this statement. I have more questions to follow, but i do not have the time to read your entire long posting you made earlier today that this is replying to. thus far, you really haven’t answered any of my questions, you have just sorta used my questions as a launching point to push your own agenda, which is not polite. it is deceptive and rather sneaky, so if you would refrain from doing that, i would appreciate it.

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25As a fallible and flawed human being, all I do the best I can. Hopefully, it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you through my words. I pray 6 rosaries each day before entering into our discourse, asking for His enlightenment.

If you can put numbers by each question, then I can number my answers to coincide with your questions. Any questions you have problems with, just give me the number and I will do my best to respond in a respectful manner.

Ultimately, this discussion is a defense of the information in Father Richards’ video. Everything I write has the goal of defending his teachings. If you would prefer a more private forum, just let me know and we can converse privately through email.

Although, I do appreciate your responding to my posts since our interactions are food for thought for believers and unbelievers. We both have a desire to present the truth as we see it and that is rare.

In a world where political correctness reigns, frank discussions filled with passion don’t often see the light of day. Many are too afraid of persecution to stand up for what they believe. I salute your for your courage to enter into the battle of ideas.