Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 15


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christ“As far as the what-if question, there was no reason to answer. There is no proof to support atheism, just as there is no concrete proof that God exists. “

i will just repeat what i said above. atheism does not require proof that no god exists, because atheism does not claim that god does not exist. atheism does not require faith.. it requires skepticism. faith requires gullibility. see which one of those takes you farther in life. im not saying there is no god, i am just saying i dont see why i should believe there is one with absolutely zero proof. for the same reason, i do not believe in unicorns, the great pumpkin, and the abominable snowman. jesus is used to control kids who are too old to believe in santa. so what you are telling me is that you are also, too old to believe in santa? why exactly do you believe something for which there is no evidence? because it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling when you start to get nervous about dying?

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25The reason I believe in God is because of many supernatural experiences in my life starting as a child. When you grow up trapped in a battle between the forces of good and evil, you know that there is a supernatural war being waged every second of the day. Of course it is my subjective experience, but I was there and can attest to the truth of demonic oppression.

While in college, I did reject God and embraced atheism for about 10 years. From my personal experience, a life without a relationship with a loving Savior leads to severe depression and hopelessness. I believe in God because it provides me with peace that goes beyond understanding as I constantly struggle with the difficulties of life.

“There is a way which seems straight before a man, but its end is the ways of death”. Proverbs 16:35