Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 14


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christ: im sure the sheep fall for that little sermon there, but i wasn’t born yesterday, and i have a pretty good nose for bullshitters, and you sir, are severely lacking when it comes to the finer points of bullshitting someone. you are lying
out your ass, dude. you are so full of shit your eyes are brown. you were an atheist were you? (said in a mocking john cleese voice). you say the guilt of the sin of masturbation drove you to atheism? oh righto sir. very convincing little tale of depravity. did drugs did you? care to expand on exactly how and what you did? i somehow doubt you have ever done more than that mischevious little puff you took off that cigarette when you were masturbating with all your buddies in the circlejerk behind the barn. the one where you did the fake cough so everyone would think you actually inhaled.

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25Yes, I became an atheist because I was angry at God. How dare a supreme being try to tell me not to do something that felt so good. How could a loving God even consider chastising me for just following the lusts of a “normal man”.

Actually, I had a dear friend at Revelle College, UCSD the La Jolla campus from 1967-1971 that was a brilliant atheist. His arguments against the existence of God were very persuasive.

He just told me exactly what I wanted to hear so I could justify masturbation, sex, drugs and rebellion without guilt. I was so thrilled with my new found freedom, I became a leader in the New Age Movement and the “Flower Power” Revolution that literally started on our campus in 1970.

One of my really hot girlfriends at that time introduced me to evil supernatural through weegie boards and tarot cards. I did not realize at the time that they were a pathway to full on demonic oppression until one of my witch girlfriends clued me in.

I did not realize the supernatural battle was so intense. I discovered atheism and satanism are a perfect match. Sin is glorified and there are plenty of opportunities to have your fill.

Since atheists don’t believe in God, then obviously satan, demons and angels are merely fabrications of religious fanatics, created to frighten and control weak-minded individuals. However, I can tell you from personal experience there is a supernatural war being waged every second of the day with billions of souls held in the balance.

With out a true relationship with Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, every sinner, believer or unbeliever, is wide open to demonic oppression. Atheists are particularly susceptible because they deny the existence of supernatural beings, especially malevolent spirits. God says, I am!” Satan says, “I am not.”

Even though my 10 years of rebellion against God is embarrassing, I am not ashamed of my debauchery. It was what I needed to experience the depths of the darkness of evil and oppressive dimensions of total despair and crushing depression. Right before I decided to end it all, God had mercy on my soul.

The only prayers I could remember in my drugged stupor were the “Lord’s Prayer” and the “Hail Mary”. Unconsciously, I started saying those prayers in my sleep. I realized that I was praying when one night I woke up in the middle of a terrible nightmare.

If you want to read my true story, visit my catholicprayerwarriors website.