Why Are We All In Jeopardy Of Being Murdered Or Imprisoned Because Of Religion Or Legislation?

The Supernatural War Between Good and Evil.
One of my friends on Facebook recently asked, “Why Pro-life individuals who commit murder any different than criminals who kill and injure people at abortion clinics. Here is my answer.
Just because a person identifies themselves as Pro-life does not mean they are. The act of murdering anyone is a complete denial of what true Pro-life people profess.
The problem with the people employed by Planned Parenthood and all those who support abortion through their actions or silence is the dehumanization of human life.
When anyone feels empowered by government legislation or their own beliefs to kill those they decide are unworthy to live, everyone is a potential victim. No one is safe because laws always change.
Without the acceptance of the absolute law of God against murder, humans can use religion or legislation to justify murdering anyone because of their beliefs, race, financial status, etc. It just depends on who is in power.
The major reason those involved in the abortion industry hate Christianity and are terrified by Christians is because they are committing murder or complicit in this heinous act. Everyone who believes in God’s law against murder is a threat to their currently legal right to kill babies. However, this could change at any time.
The freedom to commit abortion is only one voting cycle away from becoming legally identified for what it really is, the murder of innocent babies. If a majority of citizens vote for pro-life candidates for congress and the presidency, the laws allowing abortion could be revoked. Once revoked, there is no statute of limitations on murder.
Those who murdered babies could be charged with capital crimes against humanity. This happened with the monsters who killed others though out history, especially the Nazis, even though the government blessed the extermination of the Jews, Polish, the defective, retarded, etc. Once the Nazis were defeated, all the killers where pursued, tried and jailed for their atrocities. Legality at the time the atrocities were committed was no excuse for their actions.
The Obama administration is concerned about collateral damage in the Middle East against Muslims. What about the collateral damage caused by abortion?
Obama and many politicians support and protect Planned Parenthood. They do not want to jeopardize the financial support they receive from them. Many of them believe is is okay to murder innocent babies.
That is why all Christians, who believe in the love, forgiveness and mercy of Jesus, need to pray daily for all those involved in the abortion industry and anyone who supports or promotes abortion.
Abortion is a capital crime in God’s eyes. Next year it could be recognized as a civil crime because of a change in the laws of our country. Elections have consequences.
My goal is to encourage everyone to pray without ceasing that all involved in abortion in any way will repent of their sins and receive the forgiveness of God. Once they repent, their sins are forgiven and the spiritual consequences of their actions are washed in the blood of Jesus.
The elephant in the room is, “How can God bless our country when almost half of the citizens are silent in the face of the greatest holocaust in recorded human history?”
The Nazis slaughtered over 6,000,000 people in the death camps. Abortionists have murdered over 66,000,000 in the United States. Which do you believe is the greater crime against humanity.