Why Does Pharmaceutical Contraception And Abortion Threaten Our Very Survival?


I pray all women will someday realize that God loves them in a very special way, just as he loved his Mom. He blessed them with the incredible power to create human life.

Only women, through a miracle from God, can become pregnant. They lay their lives down daily for their babies.

Men cannot begin to comprehend just how much a woman sacrifices to to get pregnant, nurture a fetus, give birth to a baby and raise a child to maturity.

Many men are selfish, only interested in themselves and their own pleasure. Most are just sperm donors. They demand sex without consequences.

In most non-Christian societies, men are taught that women are inferior. Physical might makes right! They can abuse, beat and take advantage of women, force them to do whatever they want.

They believe the primary purpose of women is sex on command and raise babies. Women have no rights. They are not allowed to inherit the wealth of the family. They are basically slaves.

Sadly, in our society, men are in control. They have the physical power to abuse women. More females are raped than males.

Rape is a horrific sin against women. Wikipedia states, “Many rapes by males against females are unreported because of “fear of reprisal from the assailant” and because of “shame…and deep-seated cultural notions that the woman is somehow to blame”. Researchers from the University of Surrey estimate that approximately 1 in 7 rapes by males against females are reported.”

One of the few religions that celebrates, encourages and protects women is Christianity. A Christian society promotes the sanctity of marriage and human life from conception to a natural death.

In this faith men and women are equal, sons and daughters of God. They each have specific roles to fulfill so together they can create a strong, happy and productive marriage and society.

Unfortunately, most men have no clue about God’s plan for their lives. They either do not know or do not care that God demands they love, cherish and support their wife and children.

In our society, Christians are demeaned, excoriated and persecuted by the liberal democratic and social progressive media. They are at war with God and His laws.

They believe religion is personal. It should never affect public policy. They believe, character does not matter.

Under our current social progressive leadership, the sexual victimization of females is flourishing. Hollywood, the music industry and the print, internet and news media glorify the exploitation of women. Movies, sitcoms, pornography, magazines, comics and songs glorify sex without consequences. Women are depicted as sex objects.

Women are not valued for their intelligence, kindness, compassion, knowledge, wisdom, self-sacrifice, strength and hard work. They are forced to endure the hardships of raising their children without husbands.

Many selfish and immature men bail on their marriages and relationships when their personal pleasure and narcissism is threatened. Sacrifice and self-denial is not in their playbooks. That is women’s work!

Women deserve to be furious with how they are treated by the media and men in particular. We still live in a misogynistic society despite political correctness.

Women need to demand change. Men should be forced to listen to their mothers, wives, daughters and girlfriends.

The media and politicians who promote and condone the sexual abuse of women and girls through their silence, must stop their self-imposed blindness. The greatest irony is that those who condone, support and promote contraception and abortion are compounding the problem.

Contraception and abortion only empowers immature men, pedophiles, sex traffickers and rapists to abuse women and girls without consequences. This does not make any sense to me.

Perhaps you can help me understand your point of view by answering the questions below.

Why do so many women allow the liberal media to victimize them without speaking out against this slander?

How can women believe that free birth control and abortion empower them in any way?

Why do woman or girls damage their bodies with excessive doses of hormones from birth control and day after abortion pills?

When will women and girls stop believing the media hype that they need to dress in provocative clothes, wear suggestive makeup and endure surgical procedures to achieve society’s unattainable standard of beauty?

It is time every society gave women the honor, respect, love and support they so rightly deserve. We need to pray God will give us the grace to repent of our sins against women.

I feel women are the saviors of every society. Without them and their ability to create and nurture new life, humanity is doomed.

When women murder their own babies because of social pressures, society will self-destruct. All life is dehumanized.

The unbridled pride, arrogance and aggressiveness of men will destroy our world, if we let it. We cannot survive continuous, horrific wars. No one will be left alive, unless God intervenes and changes our hearts.

I believe our prayers are the only hope for our world. We pray that God will pour out His mercy on every person. There is not much time left for men to stand up and become the fathers and husbands they were created to be. May God have mercy on our world!